Infrared Light Sauna

Detox. Chill. Glow.

Luxury Infrared Sauna Experience in South Tampa

What is Infrared Light Therapy?

Why Infrared Saunas Are the New Trend in Wellness: Explore the Science Behind the Heat

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Health Benefits

  • Purify and Rejuvenate Your Body with Infrared Saunas!Sweating is the body's natural way of expelling toxins, and infrared saunas can help you achieve a deep and detoxifying sweat. By increasing your core body temperature, infrared saunas stimulate your sweat glands, allowing for the elimination of heavy metals, harmful chemicals, and environmental pollutants that accumulate within your body.

  • Amidst the chaotic pace of life, an infrared sauna serves as a sanctuary, offering respite from stress and anxiety. A noteworthy 2017 study validated its efficacy in fostering relaxation, mood boost and improving sleep quality for individuals.

  • Infrared saunas are known for their potential to bolster cardiovascular health. They gently increase your heart rate, enhance blood circulation, and promote sweating. A 2018 study illustrated a significant reduction in blood pressure and cholesterol levels among heart disease patients post regular infrared sauna sessions

  • The warmth of an infrared sauna can be a balm on sore muscles and joints, reducing pain and inflammation. A 2019 revelation showcased how individuals with osteoarthritis experienced alleviated pain and improved function with regular infrared sauna therapy^2.

  • Give your metabolism a gentle boost, facilitating weight loss. A study conducted in 2015 revealed significant reductions in body weight, BMI, and waist circumference among overweight individuals who consistently engaged in infrared sauna sessions. Other studies show that you can burn up to 600 calories in a single Infrared Sauna session. If you goal is to lose weight, improve cardio vascular health and lower inflammation try our infrared sauna today.

  • The infrared sauna helps to stimulate collagen and elastin production which results in better skin health. Even after one session you will notice a significant boost in completion, circulation and tightness. A recent study in 2018 emphasized the remarkable benefits of consistent sessions, including improved skin elasticity and reduction in wrinkles.

  • When you're feeling under the weather, a fever is your body's way of combatting viruses and bacteria. In a similar vein, but with a far more enjoyable experience, sweating in our infrared sauna studio enhances your immunity by simulating this natural defense mechanism. Come boost your immune system at one of our luxurious spa locations in Tampa, Florida.

What Makes Our Infrared Unique?

3 in 1 Infrared Light

Our sauna delivers optimal infrared and red light using patented 3 in 1® tech based on NASA-inspired research, with 6 pre-set health programs. Effective SoloCarbon® coating ensures 95-99% absorption, while a built-in LED panel provides red/near infrared light therapy.

Inflammation + Aging = Inflammaging

Explore how Infrared Light Therapy can combat the effects of aging and reduce inflammation. When combined with lifestyle modifications such as exercise and a balanced diet, Infrared Light Therapy has proven to be an effective tool in helping patients reverse the signs of aging and alleviate inflammatory condition.

Infrared Light Therapy In Tampa


Chromotherapy, also known as color therapy, is a holistic healing modality that utilizes the power of colors to promote balance and well-being in the body, mind, and spirit. Dating back thousands of years, this ancient practice has been used by cultures around the world to enhance physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

In our Infrared sauna you can choose between 7 different chromotherapies to achieve the desired corresponding health benefits.


Welcome to Omni Life Med + Wellness, where we strive to offer an exceptional infrared sauna experience in South Tampa. We recognize that trying something new like sweat therapy can be daunting, so we've put together a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions to ease any concerns you may have and also help prep you for an amazing experience.

  • About 30 minutes in our Infrared sauna, core temperature rises approximately 3°, which helps you sweat and start the detoxification process. That core temperature can remain elevated for up to 30 minutes after a sauna session ends, helping to energize and recharge. “I keep my sauna in the 125° to 130° range, and this is high enough to make me sweat

  • Hydrate: Drink plenty of water before your session to stay hydrated. Sweating in the sauna can cause fluid loss, so it's important to start your session well-hydrated.

    Dress Appropriately: Wear loose and comfortable clothing to allow for maximum airflow and easy movement. It's also a good idea to bring a change of clothes for after your session.

    Remove Jewelry: Take off any jewelry, watches, or accessories before entering the sauna. Metal can heat up quickly and cause discomfort during your session.

    Shower: Take a quick shower before entering the sauna to remove any dirt, oils, or lotions from your skin. This will help maximize the benefits of the sauna session.

    Relax and Breathe: Once inside the sauna, find a comfortable position and take slow, deep breaths. Use this time to relax, meditate, or simply enjoy some quiet time away from distractions.

    Monitor Your Body: Pay attention to how your body feels during the session. If you start feeling lightheaded, dizzy, or uncomfortable, listen to your body and exit the sauna immediately.

    Post-Sauna Care: After your session, take another shower to rinse off any sweat and toxins released during the sauna. Remember to rehydrate by drinking water or electrolyte-rich fluids to replenish your body.

  • Just as you would not leave your cell phone in your car on a hot day, we do not recommend taking cells phones, Apple watches or other electronics in the sauna. The electronics that are built into the sauna are designed for a heated environment.

  • Yes, it is safe to lean against the heater panels. If you find it is uncomfortable, we also provide a sauna backrest is a great option.

  • For most people, daily sauna use is okay after your body has become accustomed to infrared therapy. Drink increased amounts of water to stay hydrated. Listen to your body and stop your session if you feel any discomfort.

  • Just as with exercise or eating healthy, sauna use takes time and consistency to see results. You may not sweat the first few times you use your sauna, but know that sweating (and the detox that comes with it) will increase over time, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and healthy.

    After using regularly and still not sweating to your bodies potential, there could be other factors at play. Are you drinking enough water? Are you only hydrating on days you know you will sit in the sauna? It is recommended that you drink half your body weight in ounces.

    If you are properly hydrated, Pure Sweat cream will induce sweating. Pure sweat amplifies your body’s ability to sweat by increasing your sweating potential three times higher than without Pure Sweat.

  • Unlike traditional saunas, Infrared heats your body from the inside out, which means although your core temperature is raising, you wont feel as hot on the outside.

  • If any of the below apply to you, consult your physician prior to sauna use:

    • Medications

    • Elderly

    • Chronic conditions / diseases associated with reduced ability to sweat or perspire

    • Hemophiliacs / individuals who are prone to bleeding

    • Cardiovascular conditions

    • Pacemaker / defibrillator

    • Alcohol / alcohol abuse

    • Fever

    • Sensitivity to heat

    • Pregnancy

  • Our Saunas have specialized programs based on your goal (such as weight loss, detox, and anti-aging) which all vary in length of time, Typically the saunas sweet spot is typically 30 minutes. “You can customize your own program, which is helpful based on how you want to use your sauna